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Wednesday 12. June 2024 - 08:59

Arsenal make shock offer for Real Madrid player

Real Madrid goalkeeper Andriy Lunin is facing a tricky choice this summer, as he decides what course of action to take.

The Ukrainian’s stock has never been higher, after winning the starting job in the absence of Thibaut Courtois, and making a series of crucial saves on their way to the Liga and Champions League double.

If he were to sign the new five-year deal on the table, he would again slide into the role of Courtois’ back-up though, and interest in him would likely wane. It’s been said he is keen to remain at Real Madrid, but there is every chance he barely sees the pitch again for the duration of that contract in light of Courtois’ standards.

Hence Lunin and his camp are weighing up a departure. He has just one year left on his deal, meaning clubs are more likely to make an approach for him, knowing his price would be slashed. According to Cadena Cope, some of the offers from elsewhere are enough to give him second thoughts – including one from Arsenal.

Certainly if Arsenal were offering him a starting role, then it would seem a no-brainer. Yet it seems set that David Raya will be Mikel Arteta’s number one next season, hence it comes as something of a surprise. While it is no doubt easier to compete for the starting spot with Raya, leaving to be a back-up somewhere else also seems improbable. Now managed by Jorge Mendes, Lunin is likely to have offers from elsewhere.

Provided by: Frank Henriksen
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